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Engelsk kurs i kunsten å lytte godt

Hvordan lytte aktiv slik at det virkelig hjelper

Nedenfor følger nyttig materiale for hvordan bli en bedre lytter - ikke minst når man ringer eller zoomer. Foreløpig bare på engelsk. 

In a time of crisis, it can be a gift of incredible kindness to call someone and just listen to them, especially if they are alone, distressed, frightened and anxious. Here are some resources to sharpen your listening skills and infuse them with kindness.

There are some handouts and the recording of a live Zoom seminar on listening skills created by Karen Holford (family therapist) and Helgi Jónssen (our health director and psychiatrist). It's not a polished presentation, but it will help you to be a channel of God's love when you are listening to others in crisis. We hope that you find this useful. 

Homework: Practising your listening skills.
Listening skills for trained listeners
Sample listening carefully script
Suicide assessment
Telephone listening skills Training

